a community center for enrichment & life-long learning since 1947
Library Card Registration
You can sign up for a Four County Library System card online here. Filling out this digital form will give a temporary 4CLS library card to access digital resources while we prepare an account for you!
Libby App and Overdrive
Download Libby from the App Store or Google Play to borrow eBooks, audio books, and magazines at home to your smart device. Use Overdrive when accessing your digital books in a web browser.
To download titles, you must have a library card and PIN from a participating library. If you need help resetting your pin number call (607)-754-4243 or email reference@vestalpubliclibrary.org
4CLS provides access to a collection of high-quality, accurate, electronic resources. Some of these databases are made possible through NOVELny, the New York Online Virtual Library, a public information network for New Yorkers. Others are provided by the Four County Library System.
Transparent Language Online
Transparent Language Online offers the most comprehensive language-learning solution for libraries. With this flexible program, you can quickly and easily learn new languages using our wide variety of courses and activities.